Wednesday 28 December 2011

The Office.....For Real!!

Hello Readers!! Firstly I want to say Happy Holidays to you guys and thank you for supporting me in 2011 with my blog, and I promise to give you more to read in 2012 hehe.

Soooo! I am watching "The Office" and its really funny!!! Ok, ok i know I am late and I just starting watching  Season 4, but better late than never eh, this show cracks me up like hell!! Its now my new addiction (next to Lord of the Rings, and someone that some of you may know) ((wink wink)), the actors in this show are perfect for the parts and absolutely nailed the performance of the office in real life lol. Speaking of which, I work in an Office so I know some of the situations in the show could be a real thing, like office relationship, conflicts and meeting STUPID PEOPLE!! If I was to pick someone in The Office series that I would be in real life, I would choose "Jim", he is just like me in the office and the way he approaches things and he has this way that he looks at the Camera when someone says something stupid or weird lol, that makes me wish that a camera man could be in the office where I work lol.

If you guys never saw the series, download it NOW!! You wont regret it, it will change your LIFE..... well maybe not but, it will make you laugh hehe, well thank you for reading my blog today, and I hope it made you laugh or inspired to read more of my blogs, look out next year for a new blog look, out with the old and in with the new and remember just because your not the sharpest pencil on the desk doesnt mean you not 'write'. Lol.

Saturday 3 December 2011

Are you done yet???

Hello Readers!!! I'm saying a special hello to all the shoppers who loves to go from store to store to store and look at every single item in the store..... and look....another store, lets go see what they have....and guess what? Their not alone, they take their husbands or boyfriends or sons along for the ride as well, sometimes I cant believe how strong their concentration is on shopping, that they almost forget they didn't come alone lol, (I call us non-shoppers, bag carriers) oh and some advise to all the non-shoppers out there, please eat something before u leave home, or carry a snack with you, because asking a shopper "Hey babe, can we get something to eat?" ((the air around u stops blowing, and everyone stops moving, like the world was suddenly put on pause and the shopper turns around slowly and looks at you with fire in her eyes and says.... "no")) lol ok ok, that was too much hehe, But anyway I think I have a solution for non-shoppers, for every female store, they should install a music, game or tools store! Yay, that would help balance the equation right? Or, for every female store, install a "men's waiting area" and in that area, there will be a tv, games, magazines so they wont be like this........

Men dying of waiting Lol

My heart goes out to these poor men, who has to suffer from the waiting and waiting, I don't know how many survived but please lets have a moment of silence for these courageous men..........OK! 
Well guys, again thank you for reading my blog and i wish everyone a good day or night, and remember if your wife ever tells you, "hey babe lets go look for a shoe for me" carry a snack hehe

Wednesday 9 November 2011

Men Crave sex more than Women!!!

Hello Readers!!

We're talking about sex drives between men and women and who has more desires for it! Through my personal experiences, from the age when boys started saying, "I like you, can I kiss you" and "hey baby, you're sweeter than honey" (lol i actually said that when i was younger)   we men would think about it at least once, twice........ok ok prob five times a day. It doesnt take much for a guy to be tempted for it, from a simple smile from a female or flirtation or just a wayward random thought will make us wish we could get it now! Its a natural feeling we have, like hunger for food just three time stronger lol.

Women on the other hand, i cant speak for them because i dont know how they think (who knows) but what I do know is women don't think about sex more than men BUT they do think about being romanced! There is no woman in the world that haven't at least once thought about being wooed by a man...... flowers on the front door on his arrival to take her out to a night of candle night dinner and charming words of romance to a lovely candle scented room of petals on the floor and soothing music in the background while dancing away into the night then.......... THE END! Seriously! there's no more but credits coming down the screen! Come on ladies tell me if I'm wrong, that's the fantasy right there lol.

Oh look i have proof that men crave it more then women!!! feast your eyes!!

Sex Drive: How do Men and Women compare

Study after study illustrates that men's sex drives are not only stronger than women's, but much more straightforward. The sources of women's libidos, by contrast, are much more difficult to pin down.

It's common wisdom that women place more value on emotional connection as a spark of sexual desire. But women also appear to be heavily influenced by social and cultural factors as well.
"Sexual desire in women is extremely sensitive to environment and context," says Edward O. Laumann, PhD, a professor of sociology at the University of Chicago and lead author of a major survey of sexual practices, The Social Organization of Sexuality: Sexual Practices in the United States.

 I did my Home work!!! Anyway people thank you for reading my blog and supporting the forge cause, and remember when you see a guy staring into space, he aint looking for a star lol.

Wednesday 2 November 2011

Hate those STUPID questions

Hello Readers!!

So would you all agree with me if i said, they should make a law against stupid questions? Like for instance, everyone should have at least ONE stupid question per day, and if you exceed the limit you (the victim of stupidity) should be able to knock them over with a bat (the source of stupidity)......well that's just me lol.

Here are five questions I have been asked in my life and probably the last few days ago, (oh wait lets make this interesting, I'm going to add a stupid answer to the question, its my sarcastic nature).

Q:  Hey, what are you doing here, did you come to watch a movie?
A:  No, I came to watch people eat pop corn

Q:  Hey, are you sleeping? 
A:  No, I just thought I would close my eyes to get away from you

Q:  Hey, are you on the phone?
A:  No, this is just me talking to myself

Q:  So does that sign mean its the male washroom?
A:  No, that's where women go when they're horny

Q:  So your a Graphic Artist right, so can u make logos?
A:  No!! but i can draw an "L" and put it on your forehead!!!!!!

Yep that's what I'm talking about, sigh....Anyway guys thanks for reading my blog, be safe and enjoy your day/night, and remember next time someone asks you a stupid question, dont be surprised if I appear from no where and crack that person on the head!!!

Thursday 27 October 2011

Movie of the Week!!

Hello Readers!!

Well, this week's Movie pick is She's Out of my League, staring Jay Baruchel and Alice Eve, you could not get a more perfect couple to act the part, really good movie with alot of good acting and funny clips lol, haven't seen the actors in much movies but I'm sure they are moving up into the show business.

I like this movie because it gives people hope that anything is possible, men and women, boys and girls, who think of themselves, "not all that" or "below standard" well i say SHIT THAT WAY OF THINKING!!  There is always a good quality in all of us, if you would just give yourself a chance, and as Smash Mouth would say "You never know if you don't go, you never shine if you don't glow". Back in the school days i was a real class clown lol, yep i know right who would have thought a stud like me right lol.  Back then everyone would laugh at me but which girl would really go out with the class clown, hmmmmmm, well I took my chances again and again, until i finally stroke GOLD!

Well guys thank you for reading my blog, hope everyone has a good night or day! And remember just because you think yourself to be a five don't mean you cant end up with a TEN!

Saturday 22 October 2011

Epic Hidden Pic!!

Hello Readers!!!

I'm not a stalker nor am i a sicko, but i do take out pics of people who look bogus lol (call it what you like, you do it too hehe) and today I have a good one for you......but really its a bad one .... anyway, look at this guy!!! There are too many thing going wrong here, this guy is wearing a black and white scarf (this is TRINIDAD we don't have winter!!), pulled up pants, a pink watch, and holding a pink bag, also not in the picture he was wearing a blue rubber slippers! wtf!!! PLEASE ladies tell me if this turns u on so i could run to the mall and get a outfit too lol. EPIC FAIL!!!

Well thank you for reading my blog, and a great weekend! And remember putting on random clothing doesn't make you look good, it makes u look homeless -.-

Thursday 20 October 2011

Movie of the Week!!

Hello Readers!!

Its time a pick the Movie of the Week!! Today's pick is 300, if you didn't see this movie then buy or rent it on the dvd RIGHT NOW!! Its a classic! I am a huge fan of war, medieval and fantasy movies, so I thought the movie 300 was excellent, good acting and graphics.  Most people (ladies) probably would love the movie because they get to see men with six packs run around all bloody and sweaty......... (sounds of crickets) but anyway lol.  The movie also introduced me to a actor who really impressed me by his acting, his name is Michael Fassbender, he also acted in movies like X-Men: First Class and Centurion, which were both good movies as well.  

The only thing about the movie 300 which was a bit confusing for me was that they were fighting to be free men and bring justice and honor to all but Spartan history states that if a female spartan's child was born looking weak or handicapped in any way the baby was tossed from a cliff!! wtf, where is the justice in that, but the past was the past and its only a movie i guess, here's a little history of Sparta.

The History of Sparta describes the destiny of the ancient Dorian Greek state known as Sparta from its beginning in the legendary period to its forced incorporation into the Achaean League under the late Roman Republic, its conquerors, in 146 BCE, a period of roughly 1000 years. Since the Dorians were not the first to settle the valley of the Eurotas River in the Peloponnesus of Greece, the preceding Mycenaean and Stone Age periods are described as well. Sparta went on to become a district of modern Greece. Brief mention is made of events in the post-classical periods.

All in all, I give the movie 300 a 8/10 woot! Well guys thank you for reading my blog its been a pleasure writing for you as always, have a great day or night, and remember when your at the movies and someone's cell phone goes off don't get angry, cause its probably mine -.-

Wednesday 19 October 2011

Your Turn Ladies!

Hello Readers!!

Ok men its our turn to talk about the women who ill treat the good guys in relationships! Although I don't know much bad women personally, most of my female friends and relatives are very good to their guys and take relationships really seriously (I should get 1000 points for mentioning that lol). I always hear stories from my male friends who are being cheated on and lied to by their mate, and by experience most women lie better than men do, ..... (notice: I said lie better not lie more) I’m telling you!! OMG not a flinch, a studder, a smile in the wrong context, NOTHING can give you a hint that they are lying, (this is only for the women who treat men badly though). I think women could be the best bad guys in movies hehe. They smile at you, flirt, then leave you there with a blank look on your face when they walk off....... oohhh and look out for the random “touch” lol, do you notice that when some women talk to you they randomly touch you, this gesture of communication is always misjudged by men, cause we're thinking "hmmm she touched me, that means she wants me" ahhhhh no lol.....sadly I was one of those men (moment of silence).  Anyway lets take a look at a weakness in women.


Yes!!! Women are tempted too as much as men, but the only difference with women is, they wont look back at a attractive guy as soon as he passes, they usually give it about 3-5 seconds to look back lol. A woman who is tempted to cheat or is cheating is veryyyyyyyyyyy sly and clever, the "good guy" would come home and she would have no sign of betrayal or deception, she will be as normal as ever, the guy on the other hand....... perfume smell on his shirt, lip stick stain on the color, and the phrase "hey honey I'm not hungry, gonna take a bath and go straight to bed" lol. A woman who cheats often enjoys the material things in life, the more she gets the happier she is and if she doesn't get what she wants, well its off to the next guy who can afford her gigantic appetite for clothes, makeup, jewellery, cars and all that jazz.

Well that's all i will say about that, don't like to go too long in the blog, people have lives and I'm not gonna be held responsible for boring someone to death lol, so thanks for reading guys and supporting the Forge Cause. And remember just because your in the friend zone doesn't mean that someone else isn't checking you out :P

Tuesday 18 October 2011

Hello Readers!!

Men!!!!!! The leader of the house hold, The protector of his wife and children, The Provider or however you wanna describe us in your own words.  As a man living in this day and age, you have to be very careful, what I mean is you have to have the mental stability, loyalty, love and respect for yourself and your mate to earn the title of being called a "Good Man", for its been tainted and mocked for so long, that its almost become a myth...... so now there are a lot of trials and tests a man has to go through before even being considered a good man.

During the years men have been called, Dogs, Man Whores, Dirt, Cheaters, etc. Some people may say there are more bad men than there are good men in the world today, and they may just be right in saying that, most Marriages are led to Divorce because of lack of interest by the man or lack of loyalty, (sad to say but true), there are few long term married couples that make it more than 20years......... eh maybe 10 years .......... ok fine 5 years, geez. I think the one of the main problems a man could face is .......


In my opinion, every single man in the world has at least once looked at another woman other than their girl friend or wife, sometimes an innocent look in her direction could lead to nothing at all, and in other cases a man could be looking at the woman with the intent to attract her, knowing that he has a spouse, this is the temptation that a man has to remove from himself to have a successful relationship. In other cases where the man is not looking, a woman could be making a pass at him, and this is where he has to be strong enough to turn down any flirtatious gestures that the woman could have in mind.  Once a man has failed to acquire the strength to reject temptation then bye bye relationship. 

Well guys I hope my little advice and words of wisdom has educated you in trying to become a "good man" and please don't judge me, because it pretty much sounds like I'm out to bash men, I'm just merely stating the facts, but dont worry I have done my home work for women who cheat and lie, so stay turned for a further blog on them! And remember just because a woman smiles at you doesn't means she interested.


Monday 17 October 2011

Days of the Week

Hello Readers!!

So Monday..........yeah the day we working folk all love oh so very much, if you all didnt know, I’m a Computer Graphic Artist (lazy at times lol) but I get the job done when its call upon.  In the office on a Monday is especially interesting, this is where all the customers who couldn’t wait for us to come back to work from our stress free weekend, all call at the same time, just to give us tons of work and make our day hell! Yay! Sounds like fun right? erkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk! wrong..... its not fun, when you have to deal with dozens of callers, who wants their jobs right away, and at the same time try to concentrate on more than two jobs on the computer, at the same time my boss is on my ass about jobs that needs to be done like NOW, AT THE SAME TIME, listen to my Production Manager talk about how he’s is selling his car and buying a new one, (which he sold like ten times before to his imaginary friends). wanna know how I deal with this without going insane? The answer is ...... RUM, LMAO no no no just kidding hehe, I quit drinking a year ago, the real answers are several things like I think about my better half (God bless her), Roti, online gaming, things like that, which are the better things in life. 

Monday Whore!!!!!!!!!
I'm a hater of whores, both men and women who, lie, cheat, and sell their bodies for cheap pleasure or business to earn a buck, so that's why i call Monday the "Monday Whore". Well everyone thank you for reading my blog, have a great week ahead and remember if a woman or man stops you on the corner and says "wanna have a good time?" just tell them to @#@# off!! :P


Sunday 16 October 2011

Trini Time

I bet there is no other country in the world that is as late as trini, people here never on time!! If there was ever a day that someone had an event, and people were actually early then I would be in great shock!

I went to a Birthday Thanks Giving yesterday, which was scheduled to being at 3pm, I was the first to arrive at 2.45pm with the notion that I would be seated before the event started ( knowing well that no-one would be on time, I still fooled myself by reaching early). Other people finally started to turn up at 3.21pm. At this point I'm annoyed and thinking of leaving, but finally things started to get on the way, I get really turned off about people who are never on time, and people who are disorganized. Shows you how my brains works lol.

Well, just a short Blog today peps, the rain is falling and i am a bit under the weather (lol i didnt mean it to sound like that hehe) hopefully i feel better tomorrow, thanks for reading! And remember, if you go out in the rain without an umbrella chances are that your gonna get wet -.-

Friday 14 October 2011

Poetry 101 Pt. 2

Hello Readers!!

Hey just wanted to share some more of the Forge poems, and hope they don't put you to sleep lol well enjoy

Dismal  Times
By: Forge

Why does life threat me this way
When everything seems to go wrong
Not even a single bright day could blossom
Like I'm singing the same bad song.

Where does the turning point start from
When will things go right
Through this dark and gloomy tunnel
When will I see the light.

It could be next week or tomorrow
For sure, I'll never know
Would my life be successful
Or would I hide like a shadow.

A True Icon
By: Forge

Like the morning sun she rises from the East
Sharing her Joyous light with everyone
Awaking smiles from a Deep Arrest
To start a new day from the night's weariness.

For long, she Journeys toward her dream,
While, helping others with wants and needs.
She never ignores a call for help,
Tis why I admire her so much.

By: Forge

Unexpectedly you came into my life
You came like lighting through the sky
A one in a lifetime opportunity I was not yet ready for
But there you were right in front of me
My introduction to you was nothing less than magical
I will never forget that day
You are a refection of an Angel
A vision of beauty without equal
And as the wind blew so gently
It whispered your name……….”

And as the days passed it seemed like eternity
Those days when you were in my presents
Oh how I wish the days wouldn't end
Each day would pass and you would grow on me
Getting you out of my mind was impossible
Your voice is so soothing like a choir singing to God
A sound so beautiful that is echoed in my head for days

Apparently this paradise wasn't meant to last
For bad news has reach my ears
That you are to go to a far away land
Of no means to return
And like a dark cloud it covered my dreams
And faded my thoughts of you
To think that I meet someone as perfect as you
And then loose you in such a short time.

It would never be the same for you will not be here
But depressed as I am I'm not that selfish
For I know your life would be better
And everyday I shall pray for you
Although you would be gone your memory would still be with me
A memory that I will never forget
And as Imperfect as I am I hope you remember me…………

Well that's it for now, some serious words from yours truly, thank you for reading and supporting the Forge Cause! And remember just because someone tells you u can't do something doesn't mean its impossible to come true, never give up hope!

Thursday 13 October 2011

Journey through her mind!

Hello Readers!!

From the beginning of time to this very moment every single man in history must have asked this question, either once every day or all day, "What do women think about?"..... I have no idea! Lol, from the moment they wake up to the minute they close their eyes, something going through their minds like lighting! They think all the time, and not about one thought at a time, I'm talking about like ten things at the same time, that's unreal!!

I wish I could do what Mel Gibson did in his movie What Women Want if only for a day, to see what they really up to lol ....... which might be wrong ... but.... who cares!!! I wanna know! lol. But for now, all we could do is guess about what their thinking. Even men in long marriages are confused to what their wife maybe thinking, and he been married to her for yearsssss, thats kinda scary.

I did a little research on what some scientists said, and this is what they found: Beyond noticeable differences in brain anatomy and physiology, they discovered the cause of the great difference from us in how women think and behave. 

Females develop different attitudes, capabilities, interests and character traits than males, largely because they are stimulated, rewarded and in general, socialized in different ways.
For example, while we are mostly independent, objective, competitive, logical, ambitious, concerned with rules and justice, able to make decisions easily, most women are less assertive and ambitious, but more empathic, creative, able to express tender feelings, well-equipped for helping and pleasing others (yeah i did my homework lol).

Its very interesting how focused a woman can be, no wonder they have no patience when it comes to waiting on someone or something, its because they are inactive, a man on the other hand can wait hours on end and not even get bored lol, check out this video, now if this guy doesnt know what he talking about then no one knows! 

Well thats it! Thanks for reading and supporting the Forge Cause!! And remember when you think you're the best at something, there is always someone better that you.

Wednesday 12 October 2011

So what's your issue??? Part 1

Hello Readers!!

So! Seriously, are you a good person when it comes to relationships? Hmmmm thats something to really think about right? I mean, come on, no one is gonna admit it on their first date or meeting that he/she is not good in a relationship or have issues when it comes to relationships, instead, you will show your good side and make sure that person is very comfortable around you, in some cases this could be the true you, and you maybe be a natural good person and in other cases it could just be a big show, so you could win that person over in the beginning. So lets talk about some issues we all suffer from in relationships shall we.


A common emotion between men and women when it comes to relationships, whether you’re a man who stalks his wife / girlfriend when she goes to a girls night out lime, because he doesn't trust her, or you’re a woman who goes though her husband’s / boyfriend’s phone and sees a strange woman’s name and flips out. Ok well that’s a bit extreme lol, but it happens none the less. It all begins with the individual, if you’re a jealous person naturally, then you will need to work on yourself before you enter a relationship, or else it will just lead to the destruction of the couple, if you could learn to trust someone and in turn that person could trust you, then maybe it could lessen the cause for jealously.


A little breathing space please!!!! You are in a relationship or you’re married yes! But it doesnt mean that every single moment of your day, you have to be connected to the other person like a siamese twin, there will be moments when you want to do your own thing, like a hobby (reading, gaming, gardening etc.) or you just want to be left alone for a few to gather thoughts of your own for whatever. Also you will have friends of your own, that you met before you met your mate, and you will continue to talk to your friends on a friendship level, making sure you respect the boundaries of your relationship. Respecting each other is always a huge part of any relationship, where your mate will be NO. 1 in most cases.

Well these are just a few words on the subject and I hope you comment on it, with your own views, because everyone is entitled to their own opinion.  Due to internet issues i will leave you with these two topics in mind and will continue this subject on a later date, so thank you for reading my blog and supporting the cause! lol, and remember if you're in a jam and you need money, please call me ...... I may know of someone who can help you out :P

Tuesday 11 October 2011

Old school Cartoons!

Hello Readers!

So when last you heard of some of these Cartoons or anime, probably some more recent than older ones but its all old school for me compared to the more now a days Anime and Cartoons.  And as I does tell people you don't need to be a kid to like Anime or Cartoons, just a good imagination and open mind.  Here's some of the oldies i talking about!

DUCK TALES Wow i haven't seen this one in years! Wasn't one of my all time favs but its old enough to be a Old school cartoon.

Brief History: DuckTales is an American animated television series produced by Walt Disney Television Animation. Based on Carl Barks' Uncle Scrooge comic book series, it premiered on September 18, 1987 and ended on November 28, 1990 with a total of four seasons and 100 episodes. This made me laugh as a kid, hehe was a must see if your a Walt Disney fan.

SAMURAI PIZZA CATS: A very interesting Anime, a Saturday fav in my book!

Brief History: Samurai Pizza Cats, known as Cat Ninja Legend Teyandee (キャッ党 忍伝 てやんでえ Kyatto Ninden Teyandee) in Japan, is an anime series produced by Tatsunoko Productions and Sotsu Agency. The series was aired from February 1, 1990 to February 12, 1991, totaling up to 54 episodes. The anime was introduced to western audiences in 1991 by Saban. The stars of the show are three anthropomorphic cats who protect the city of Little Tokyo from crime while making a living running a pizzeria.

THE PIRATES OF DARK WATER: This is for sure a CLASSIC  for me, though i didn't have the pleasure of seeing the season to the end, which was sad but still enjoyed it anyways.

Brief History: The Pirates of Dark Water is a fantasy animated series produced by Hanna-Barbera in 1991. The series followed a group of adventurers on a quest to collect the Thirteen Treasures of Rule, which possessed the combined power to stop a substance known as "Dark Water" from consuming the alien world of Mer. The show first premiered on Fox Kids in early 1991 as a five-part mini-series titled Dark Water. Following a number of animation tweaks and other changes by Hanna-Barbera, those episodes were rebroadcast later in 1991 as the first five episodes of the regular series. Most notably, the original mini-series featured the voice of Roddy McDowall as Niddler, whereas in the revised version, the character was voiced by Frank Welker. The first season aired on ABC, while the second season aired in first-run syndication as part of The Funtastic World of Hanna-Barbera.
Due to expensive production costs and failing to meet the airdates, the series was never completed, ending abruptly after 21 episodes with only eight of the thirteen treasures collected.

TIGER SHARKS: Some would probably say a rip off of Thunder Cats but who cares lol.

Brief History:  TigerSharks is an American animated children's television series developed by Rankin/Bass and distributed by Lorimar-Telepictures in 1987. The series involved a team of heroes that could transform into sharks and other marine animals and resembled the series ThunderCats and SilverHawks, also developed by Rankin/Bass.
The series lasted only one season with 26 episodes and was part of The Comic Strip show, which consisted of four animated shorts: TigerSharks, Street Frogs, The Mini Monsters, and Karate Kat.

HE-MAN: One of the reason my Mom and Grand mom would get angry with me for not studying lol.

Brief History: By the time the animated series was developed, He-Man's origins had been revised as follows: his true identity is Prince Adam of Eternia, son of King Randor and Queen Marlena, an earthling, who rule the Kingdom of Eternia on the planet of the same name. The Sorceress of Castle Grayskull endows Prince Adam with the power to transform into He-Man, which Adam does by raising his Power Sword and proclaiming: "By the power of Grayskull." Once the transformation is complete, he continues "I have the power!"[2] The differences from Prince Adam and He-Man are minimal, He-Man possessing a slightly deeper voice, and with slightly darker skin and hair.

Well if i continue to list more Old Scholl stuff i wont go to bed lol, so thank you for reading and remembering these epic Oldies with me! And remember when you think, things are bad with you there is always someone out there that has it worst so learn to love life :)

Monday 10 October 2011

Movie of the Day!!

Hello Readers!!!

Today I'm gonna talk about the movie 50/50. hmmmm lets see, its a great movie!!! i give it a 9/10 (only one movie got my perfect 10 rating, i'll talk about that another time) but anyway, this movie was really fun and taught me alot about people struggling with illness and stuff, staring Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Seth Rogen and Anna Kendrick,  I'm not gonna sell out the movie for you so i'll keep my big mouth shut lol.
I was expecting 50/50 to be more of a full comedy, but it turned out to be more of a drama flick than a Comedy, not saying i don't like a good drama (like GOOD WILL HUNTING and SEVEN POUNDS which were brilliant) it just surprised me though, if i was a emotional person i would have shed a tear or two, although i got a bit worked up but nothing like sad and teary ..... DONT JUDGE ME lol.
Seth Rogen

Seth Rogen is quickly becoming one of my favorite comedians. He acted in movies like SUPER BAD and KNOCKED UP, which were both hilarious movies.

So if your thinking of going to the movies or renting a good movie to sit down and watch (like someone's really gonna stand to watch a movie lol.....i did once O.o) go check out 50/50 today in cinemas near you (depending on where you living lol)

Thanks for reading and remember if you ever win money in a contest ..... call me lol

Sunday 9 October 2011

Land of my birth

Hello Readers!!!! 

I wanna talk about my country Trinidad and Tobago, a part of the Caribbean Islands. This was where i was born and raised, educated, fell in love, fell out of love, worked, among other things that i can't remember right now weather it be good or bad, this is where i lived for 30 years!!!

Here's a brief history of Trinidad and Tobago:
The history of Trinidad begins with the settlements of the islands by Amerindians. Both islands were explored by Christopher Columbus on his third voyage in 1498. Tobago changed hands between the British, French, Dutch and Courlanders, but eventually ended up in British hands. Trinidad remained in Spanish hands until 1797, but it was largely settled by French colonists. In 1888 the two islands were incorporated into a single crown colony. Trinidad and Tobago obtained its independence from the British Empire in 1962 and became a republic in 1976.

I love my country, and am proud of it, for a small country we really put ourselves on the Globe with Entertainment, Education, Tourism, Sports and more, I mean this is the land of Carnival, Calypso, Soca and Chutney Music AND the birth place of our National Instrument the Steel Pan!! 

Carnival Tuesday
Steel Pan

Although i have only played mass ONCE in my life, it was a great experience! 

Another great thing about Trinidad and Tobago is the people, there are alot of different cultures, races, religions and they all live together as one, with mutual respect for one another, though everyone is different there is one thing every trini LOVE or at least did it once in their life is PARTY!!! and maybe drink LOL, in the sun, rain, snow (if we ever get that), Hurricane, through good times and bad times nothing does stop a trini from parting......NOTHING! Where ever in the world you go and it have a party and something happen, and you still seeing people or a person still parting, that person is a TRINI lol. 

Food!!!! Yes you heard me good, i love food and Trinidad and Tobago have lots of it!! From Indian, Creole, Chinese, Japanese, Mexican, Italian, American food we have it ALL. My personal favorite ROTI, MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM (ooops sorry) 

Here is a brief definition of Roti: bread made from stoneground wholemeal flour, traditionally known as atta flour, that originated and is consumed in India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal and Sri Lanka. It is also consumed in parts of the Southern Caribbean, in particular TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO! God bless the persons who brought Roti here lol.


Well thats it for now, I will go more into my sweet Country of birth in another blog, where I will mention topics like Sports, Education and other things bye for now! And remember what doh kill does fatten :P

Poetry 101

Helllllllllllllllllllllllllooooooooooooo Readers, just wanted to share some poems I wrote along the years 

The Golden City
By: Forge

The time shall come for your Second Birth
When two entities are separated
One shall return to the physical Earth
And the other shall journey Home.
To a sort of Paradise, but somewhere higher
To a place where Blind men see
A place of no, crime or hunger
A place of true Jubilee
There we will meet our true Father, the King
Of one who is pure and holy
There, a place of undying Love
There we will spend Eternity. 

A Term Called “Friendship”
By: Forge

They come with a wave of trust and happiest
Having smiles of true Friendship and Dedication
For it is important for their first impression
To last in your mind for at least a month or so
This cunning scheme will have you giddy with glee
How the power of deception could be so persuasive.
In the second stage of this false relationship
You would start to see slight signs of betrayal
But signs are all that they are
For they quickly vanish with clever mind-changing tactics
Your skills and material items are now being used
For these are signs of their last deceiving stage
In return for your gratitude would be nothing but fake smiles and sarcasm
With nothing else to gain they disappear into the shadows.
And you find yourself with one less of a “friend”.

Their  Kind
By: Forge

One wouldn't understand their species.
The endless quarrels and seldom being wrong
Their sweet words corrupting our minds
Yet, we still smile and laugh just for the fun of it.

Still, one, wouldn't understand their kind,
They never seem to be satisfied
For richness, for love, they still search and are never denied
There is nothing to be done but to give them what they desire

But one should understand the importance of their existence
For without them, we are nothing but boy-friend without girl-friends,
Husbands without Wives
So one should learn how to cherish them while their here.

Hope you liked what you read, I have more but I wont over do it just yet  lol
Thank you for Reading! And remember God is love :)

Saturday 8 October 2011

Escape of the Mouse Lol!!

Just your typical Saturday after, relaxing in front my PC, enjoying the online gaming, Movie watching, blog reading and other non stressful things the weekend often bring to my life, when all that was disturbed by a tug and knock on my window!

Where the mouse was presumed to be 
(Sadly i was too slow getting footage of the actual mouse but happy that we can all use our imagination) With the aid of my father we were on the look out for the mouse that now caught the attention of my family.  My mother, who was our "so called" cheer leader from inside the house bawling and screaming about "Dont let that monster come inside!!" and "Hurry up and catch it!" We found the hiding place of the "Demonic Creature" (as described by my mother)

With spray in hand we smoked it out and in a flashed it dashed out and evaded our positions and into the drain it went!  Trying to run to the back of the house where the drain led to the mouse dashed out and with ease evaded us again and went into the house next door.

                       Back of Escape Route
Mouse Freedom

Well that was the end of that, the mouse got away, my Saturday was back to normal and my mom didnt get a heart attack so all is good in the land of forge ;).

Hope u enjoy my first blog, with time i will get better and hope u all keep reading and commenting 
Thank you for reading!!